Mathematic School-Based Assessment (SBA)

by Powell

NOTE: This SBA is a sample/Guide and should NOT be copied and submitted as your own work

Below is an example of CXC Mathematics SBA

Name:  Helpful Test | Candidate no: 1234 | Centre no: 1234 | Territory: Jamaica


Project Title / Introduction………………………………………3

Method of Data Collection……………………………………….4

Presentation of Data   …………………………………………………. 5                

Analysis of Data   ………………………………………………… 6-7                                          

Discussion ………………………………………………………… 8                                                        

Conclusion………………………………………………………… 9


Do drink companies give as much as they say they are?


Over the years, A few consumers have been complaining about the amount of liquid seen present in drink boxes from the different drink companies and are wondering if they are getting their money’s worth. The purpose of this project is to investigate if the amount of liquid serving displayed on the drink boxes matches the amount that is present.

The objectives that will be made are:

  • Measuring the volume in each carton
  • Comparing the different volume
  • Measuring the mass of each product


The researcher will be using four (4) different brand juices (Freshhh, Big-jo, Squeez, and Juciful). The volume of each liquid will be measured in a measuring jug a data collection sheet will be made to obtain the measurement of each product. To find the mass a calculation of each product will be performed with the use of a calculator. Mass is measured in Kilograms (Kg) so to find the mass each product will be weighed with the use of a scale and the pounds will be converted to kilograms (kg).

Data Collection Sheet

Name of band juices Net Content (ml)Measurements Actual Volume (ml)Measurements Mass Measurements

                          PRESENTATION OF DATA

The Table below shows the measurements and mass measurement of each drink from the different drink companies:

Name of band juices Net Content (ml) Measurements Actual Measurements (ml) Mass Measurements (kg2)
Big-JO(Orange Strawberry Banana Drink) 450ml 450ml 229,500kg2
Juciful(Pineapple Drink) 450ml 400ml 2,040kg 2
Squeezz (Lemon Lime Drink) 450ml 400ml 2,040kg 2
Freshhh(Guava Pineapple Drink) 450ml 375ml 170,250 kg2

The graph below shows the comparison of volume:


The Formula for finding mass:                 

 * Mass =Volume x Density

                                Formula for converting pound to kg:

                                            1 lb =0.453592kg

  • Squeezz (Lemon Lime Drink)

1.12lb X 0.454kg = 0.51kg (Pound to Kilogram)

400ml X 0.51kg

Note: (We would have to convert the 400ml to kg and 1ml = 1000kg

400ml X 1000kg = 4000kg)

4000 kg X 0.51 kg =2,040 kg2

  • Big JO ( Orange Strawberry Banana)

1.12lb X 0.454 kg = 0.51kg

450ml X 0.51kg

(450ml X 1000kg =450,000kg)

450,000kg X 0.51 kg = 229,500kg2

  • Juciful ( Pineapple Drink )

1.12lb X 0.454 kg = 0.51kg

400ml X 0.51kg

 (400ml X 1000kg = 4000kg)

4000 kg X 0.51 kg =2,040 kg2

  • Freshhh (Guava Pineapple Juice )

1lb X 0.454 kg = 0.454kg

375ml X 0.454kg

(375 ml X 1000kg = 375,000kg)

375,000 kg X 0.454kg =170,250 kg


After collecting enough information, I was a bit disappointed with the result. All the other drink companies except Big-JO (Orange Strawberry Banana Drink) calculated volume had less than the stated volume. This just proves that most drink companies are not being truthful about the amount they are producing. A comparison between Juciful (Pineapple Drink) and Squeezz (Lemon Lime Drink) both showed similarity in volume measurements which made the mass measurements the same.

Freshhh (Guava Pineapple Drink) had the least amount in volume and mass while the others had under 450ml.


 It has been concluded that manufacturers that produce these juice boxes are not taking into consideration that accurate measurements are a necessity for most consumers or else they wouldn’t be purchasing any juice boxes if they are not getting what they are paying for. This could lead to them suing a company for giving incorrect information. 

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