Social Studies SBA on Unemployment

by Powell

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NOTE: This SBA is a sample/Guide and should NOT be copied and submitted as your own work

Candidate Name: Helpful Test

School:  Boungberry High

Centre#      1234  

Candidate#: 12345678

Territory: Jamaica

Topic: Unemployment

What are the causes and effects of unemployment in Boungberry Community

Table of Content


Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………….2

Statement of problem………………………………………………………………………….3

Reasons for selecting the Area of Research…………………………………………………………………4

Method of investigation ……………………………………………………………………….5

Data collection material………………………………………………………………………. 6-7

Procedure of data collection…………………………………………………………………….8

Presentation of data…………………………………………………………………………9-13

Analysis and presentation of data………………………………………………………………14

Statement of findings………………………………………………………………………….15

Recommendations ………………………………………………………………..16



Firstly, I would like to thank God for carrying me throughout this School-Based Assessment (SBA). Secondly, My teacher who gave me the knowledge and understanding of this topic. Lastly, I would also like to thank the residents of boungberry for participating in completing questionnaires to gather the necessary data to complete this SBA on time. Thank you all for your cooperation.


Unemployment is a term referring to individuals who are employable and actively seeking a job but are unable to find a job. Included in this group are those people in the workforce who are working but do not have an appropriate job. The personal and social costs of unemployment include severe financial hardship and poverty, debt, homelessness and housing stress, family tensions and breakdown, boredom, alienation, shame and stigma, increased social isolation, crime, erosion of confidence and self-esteem..


What are the causes and effects of unemployment in my Boungberry Community

Reason for selecting topic

The researcher has been a member of the community of Boungberry for 10 years now. The researcher observed that a number of individuals are unemployed and turn to crime, gangs, and promiscuity because of their situation and what causes these persons to be unemployed. By completing this research the researcher wishes to find out more information about this dilemma

Method of investigation

The researcher used a printed Questionnaire to collect data. The questionnaire was chosen because:

it is less time consuming

very cost-effective when compared to face to face interview

less intrusive than telephone or face to face surveys

It can be done at the accessibility of the persons required to

have it completed

Survey of unemployment in the community

Dear community members,

This survey has been carried out in this community to determine why there is a high rate of Unemployment. This study is being conducted as a School-based assessment (SBA) for a social studies course I am pursuing at present. I have decided to use a questionnaire, which requires no personal information.

You are advised to answer the following questions below using a tick to select your answer

Thank You

Your sincerely,

H. Test


Please tick to select your answer


Female( )

Male ( )

How long have you been living in Boungberry? 

1 – 5 years ( )

5 – 10 years ( )

10 years ( )

10 years and over( )

Which age group do you belong? 

19 – 25 years  ( )

26 – 30 years ( )

31 – 40 years ( )

41 years & over ( )

 Are you currently seeking a job?

Yes ( )

No ( )

Which institution did you last attend? 

Tertiary  ( )

Secondary ( )

 Primary ( )

Skills Training Institution( ) 

Did you complete school?

Yes ( )

No ( )

 If no, why? 

Gang( )

Teenage pregnancy ( )

 Lack of resources  ( )

Financial problems ( )

Do you have any CXC subjects? 

Yes ( )

No( )

 Other _______

 how many? please state  

Do you have any child/ children?

Yes ( )

No( ) 

How do you maintain the child/ children need(s)

 Family & friend assistance( )

 Help from the government (PATH program) ( )

other _____

Have you ever been employed?

Yes( )

No ( )

How has unemployment affected you? 

Severe financial hardship ( )

Debt ( )

Stress ( )

Social pressure ( )

What do you think are the causes of unemployment in the community? 

Lack of availability of job ( )

lack of education or skills( )

 What can be done by the government to reduce unemployment in my community?

Employment subsidies.( )

 Provide training centers ( )

Improve agriculture ( )

Offer small business loans ( )

Procedure for data collection

A total of 50 questionnaires were distributed among members of the community. The researcher chooses the participant by random selection. The sample consisted of 22 males and 28 females between the ages of 19-50 years.50 slips were prepared each was distributed among all households. These persons were given one week to complete the questionnaires that were issued. A total of 50 questionnaires were collected at the end of the one-week period.

Presentation of data

A total of 50 questionnaires were distributed in which all were collected . Of these respondents, 44% were males and 56% were females.

Figure1: It can be observed that  64% of the respondents in the community are unemployed, while the other 36% are employed.

 Figure2: In this representation, it can be seen that 50% provided the needs of their child/ children with the support of family members. 20% responded that they perform odd job duties at times to maintain their child/ children needs. 30% of respondents selected that the government- (PATH program) assisted them.

Figure3:  Pie chart showing the numbers of persons currently seeking a job whereas 80% said they are seeking a job, while the remaining 20% are not seeking a job.

Figure4:It can be seen that 70% of males are currently unemployed, while 30% are employed.

Figure5: Shows the ratio between employed and unemployed females. 80% of females are employed, while 20% are unemployed

Figure 6: Pie chart showing how long respondents were residing in the community. It can be seen that 30% were living in the area for 1-5years, 20% were living in the area for 5-10 years and 50% were living in the area for over 10years.

Figure7: It can be seen that 30% are from ages 19-25, 40% from ages 26-40,  30% from 41 years and over.

Figure 8 : Table showing why persons did not complete school

50% Lack of resources 20% Teenage pregnancy 30%Financial problems of the respondents.


In doing my survey of Boungberry, out of 50 persons, 22 are males while the other 28 are females. The information that was obtained stated that 75% of respondents did not complete school; this was because of a number of factors. These factors include lack of resources, Teenage pregnancy, and Financial problems of the respondents. The age group of persons who were involved in the questionnaire, out of 100% of the respondents, the highest amount of respondents came from the ages 26 -40 yrs which accounted for 40% (20 persons) from the ages 19-25 yrs had 30% (15 persons) and the age41yrs & over 30%(15 persons). It can be concluded that between the age 26-40yrs received and answered the questionnaire mostly and the ratio between 19-25yrs and 41 yrs & over was the same for who answered the questionnaire. Figure 5 shows the relationship between employed and unemployed females, out of 100%. 80% showed that most females are employed, and 20% shows the number of females unemployed of the 28 respondents. In this survey, it can be settled that there are more employed females, than there are unemployed females. The relationship was shown between employed and unemployed males, 70%  is unemployed males, while the remaining 30% is employed. It can be seen that most males are either having difficulty finding a job or are not looking for a job.

The economic level or “the price for living” is getting higher and higher each year; these are factors that contribute to people being unemployed and seeking jobs. Many persons want to live a better life for themselves and their family , the ways in which unemployed persons maintain the needs and want of their child/children. Out of 100% of the respondents, 50%(25 persons) provided the needs of their child/ children with the support of family members. 20% (10 persons) responded that they perform odd job duties such as (mason work. housekeeping, pepper picking) at times to maintain their child/children’s needs. 30% (15 persons) of respondents selected that the government- (PATH program) assisted them.

FINDINGS During the research, the researcher found out that the unavailability of jobs and lack of education and training are the contributing factors of unemployment in the community of Boungberry


 The importance of persons employed plays a significant role in society today; the unemployment rate would reduce. Educate the community about the causes and effects of unemployment Carryout measures so persons can attend a school or training institution ·The intervention of the local government and labor organizations should be to develop more job schemes based on specialized skills and advising them on the state of unemployment within our community, and asking them to provide more jobs for all groups of people. in the country. Community members should ensure both themselves and their children are educated to have a better chance of being employed in the future. Unemployment is one of the leading causes of crime and violence. I recommend more jobs for persons who are illiterate, skilled, and unskilled and those who dropped out of school. I strongly recommend the local government and the necessary authorities should put measures in place to reduce the lack of jobs within our economy

This can be achieved by broadcasting the information via the media which includes:

The television



Social Media

BIBLIOGRAPHY Grayson,M. C. (2010). Social StudiesEssemtials New Edition. Kingston,Jamaica:CarlongPublishers.

Umraw, R. R. (2001). Modules in Social Studies Third Edition. Trinidad:CaribbeanEducationalPublishers.

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