Social Studies SBA on Poverty

by Powell

NOTE: This SBA is a sample/Guide and should NOT be copied and submitted as your own work

Candidate Name: Helpful Test

School:  Boungberry High

Centre#      1234  

Candidate#: 1233455

Territory: Jamaica

Topic: How does Poverty affect my community of Boungberry?

Table of Content


Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………….2

Statement of problem………………………………………………………………………….3

Reasons for selecting the Area of Research…………………………………………………………………4

Method of investigation ……………………………………………………………………….5

Data collection material………………………………………………………………………. 6-7

Procedure of data collection…………………………………………………………………….8

Presentation of data…………………………………………………………………………9-13

Analysis and presentation of data………………………………………………………………14

Statement of findings………………………………………………………………………….15

Recommendations & implementation strategy………………………………………………………………..16



Firstly, I would like to thank God for carrying me throughout this School-Based Assessment (SBA). Secondly, My teacher who gave me the knowledge and understanding of this topic. Lastly, I would also like to thank the residents of boungberry for participating in completing questionnaires to gather the necessary data to complete this SBA on time. Thank you all for your cooperation.

Reasons for selecting the area of research

The researcher has been a member of the community of boungberry for 7 years now. During this time, the researcher observed and witnessed the negative relationship between the high level of poverty in the community and its effect on family life. However, it is the intention of this study to investigate the causes and effects of this dilemma

Statement of the problem

How does poverty affect the community of Boungberry?

Method of investigation

The researcher used a printed Questionnaire to collect data. The questionnaire was chosen because:

it is less time consuming

very cost-effective when compared to face to face interview

less intrusive than telephone or face to face surveys

Data collection

survey of poverty in the community

Dear community members,

This survey has been carried out in this community to determine why there is a high number of persons still living in poverty. This study is being conducted as a School-based assessment (SBA) for a social studies course I am pursuing at present

You are advised to answer the following questions below using a tick to select your answer

Thank You

Your sincerely,

H. Test

Procedure for data collection

The Reacher constructed a questionnaire and administrated it to twenty persons. The sample consisted of 8 males and 12 females between the ages 15-50 years.

The questionnaire was handed out to some of my community member who the researcher associated with, while some persons volunteered to answer the questions and some persons also disagreed to partake in the survey.

The researcher went from house to house distribute and collect the questionnaires were distributed on the 10th of March 2020 and were collected on the 15th of March 2020.


What is your gender?

Male   (   )        Female (  )

Which age group do you belong?

12-18 years (  )

18-24 years (  )

25 and over (  )

How long have you lived in the community?

1-4 years (  )

4-8 years (  )

Over 8 years (  )

Which type of family structure do you live in?

Single parents (  )

Extended family (  )

Nuclear (  )

Which social service do you benefit from ?

NIS  ( )

NHT ( )

PATH ( )

NONE ( )

What is your employment status?

Employed (  )

Self-employed ( )

Unemployed ( )

What do you think is the main cause of poverty in the community?

Lack of education and training

Unavailabity of jobs ( )

Unable to meet basic needs (  )

 Other _____________________

How does poverty affect teenagers from achieving their goals?

Depression (  )

Less focused (  )

Unable to attend school on a regular basis ( )

Involvement in delinquent activities (  )

What level of education was the last obtained?

Primary school  ( )

High school ( )

College ( )

University ( )

What is your qualification?

Certificate (  )

Degree (  )

Diploma (  )

Not qualified (  )

Do you think having a good education can reduce poverty ?

Yes (  )

No (  )

What do you think is the most effective solution for reducing poverty in the community?

Create more opportunities ( )

Educate the people (  )

Community service (  )

Provide more training (  )

Presentation of data

A total of 20 questionnaires were distributed to the community members and all were collected. of these respondents,40 were male and 60% were female.

Figure 1 showing the employment status of respondents in the community. it can be seen that 60% are self-employed, 30% are unemployed and 10 are employed.

Figure 2 shows how long respondents were residing in this community. It can be seen that 20% were living in the area for 1-4 years, 10% were living in the area for 4-8 years and 70% were also living in the area for over 8 years.

Figure 3 shows that 10% of respondents are living in a single-parent family, 50% are living in an extended family and 40% are living in a nuclear family.

Figure 4 shows that 70% do not benefit from social services, 20% benefit from PATH and 10% benefit from NIS.

Figure 5 shows that although 80% of the respondents have a certificate, 20% are qualified.

Analysis and Interpretation of data

The researcher carried out a survey in the community of Boungberry, St. Mary 60% were female and 40% were male, who answered these questionnaires. 10% were also 18-24 years and 80% of which were over the age of 25.

The researcher discovered that 50% of these persons are living in an extended family, 40% were in a nuclear family while 10% was in a single-parent family. It was also shown that 70% of the person who attempted the questionnaire were living in the community for over 8 years, 20% were living there for 1-4 years while another 10% of the persons were there for 4-8 years

60% of the persons were self-employed, 30% unemployed and 10% employed. Due to that 70% of the persons did not see the need for social service benefits

It was also brought to the researcher’s attention that poverty in the community is caused by the unavailability of jobs while 30% stated that it was lack of education and training. It was also discovered that 90% strongly believe that poverty is a major issue that is affecting the community.

Due to this 70% believe that this is affecting the teenagers from achieving their goals by not knowing them to attend school on a regular basis. 20% also believe that teenagers get involved in delinquent activities and 10% state that this makes teenagers less focused, despite the high level of poverty.

The researcher has been living in the community for over two years and has observed that these persons cant read well, write well and their levels of communication are very poor.

By doing this the researcher found out that 60% of the persons who did the questionnaire state that financial, social and educational delinquency are the main effects of poverty in family life. It was also found out that having a good education can reduce poverty and 90% of the community members believe so too.

80% of the community members believe that an effective solution in the community of Boungberry is to create more job opportunity while 10% believe this can be solved by providing more training and educating people

Statement of findings and implementation

The survey has revealed that the unavailability of jobs and lack of education and training are the contributing factors of poverty. This is supported by the following findings:

70% of respondents believe that teenagers’ goals are affected by them not being able to attend school on a regular basis.

It is indicated that 60% of the respondents stated that poverty affects a family.

20% of the respondents are not qualified.

Recommendation and implementation strategy

It can be greatly seen that education is the key to success. In order for poverty to reduce, there have to be proper education facilities to facilitate qualified person jobs.

Secondly, the researcher recommends that implementing a good community centre’s in the community can help individuals to learn a skill.

Therefore an important recommendation is to encourage each other to be focused, avoid delinquent activities and attend school regularly. despite the levels of poverty, they are living in this can be a help by parents getting the Contribution of PATH programs in the school.

Last but not least I hope to make a meaningful contribution to my community members by being a role model and mentor. Some of the ways I intend to do so by:

Create programs which will encourage them to grow their own food crops at home to provide an income for them

Help persons with their assignment

Accomplish my high school education and pursuing my dreams of becoming a medical doctor.

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