NOTE: This SBA is a sample/Guide and should NOT be copied and submitted as your own work
Candidate Name: Passyour Csec
School: Boungberry High
Territory: Jamaica
Topic: What are the factors contributing to Single Parents in the community of Boungberry?
Title Pages
Acknowledgement …………………………………………………………………………..1
Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………….2
Statement of problem………………………………………………………………………….3
Reasoning for choosing topic …………………………………………………………………4
Method of investigation ……………………………………………………………………….5
Data collection material………………………………………………………………………. 6-7
Procedure of data collection…………………………………………………………………….8
Presentation of data…………………………………………………………………………9-13
Analysis and presentation of data………………………………………………………………14
Statement of findings………………………………………………………………………….15
Recommendations & Conclusion………………………………………………………………..16
Firstly, I would like to thank God for carrying me throughout this School-Based Assessment (SBA). Secondly, the residents of boungberry for participating in completing questionnaires to gather the necessary data to complete this SBA on time.
50 questionnaires were randomly issued to the residents of Boungberry, the questionnaires details on child abuse. The researcher carried out this investigation because The researcher has seen the growth of single parent over the years. The research sees it necessary to gather information so that the matter could be resolve or decrease.
What are the factors contributing to Child Abuse in my community of Boungberry?
- What are the main cause of single parents?
- What are the problems single parent face?
- Is there an increase in statistic of single parents family?
The researcher has chosen this topic because, The researcher have been living in the community for approximately ten years and noticed that there are a number of single parent families in the community The researcher decided to do an investigation into the challenges faced by single parent in the community, by carryout a survey in collecting information to find what is the factor which leads to this action and how best to solve the matter.
The researcher used a questionnaire to obtain the necessary data. A questionnaire is a research instrument containing a list of questions to be answered by people to collect information. A questionnaire has a number of advantages:
- Takes little time to be completed
- Guarantee total confidentiality of the participant
- A large sample of the given population can be contacted at a low cost.
- They are relatively easy to analyze
A total of (50) questionnaires consisted of 15 questions were issued to the participant. The answers for each question only required a tick or a short answer. The person’s confidentiality of partaking in the questionnaire was kept private. Thus, the participant was not required to state their name or any personal information.
This is a survey being carried out in the community Boungberry to gather information on Single parent family. This study is being conducted as a School-Based Assessment (SBA)
Dear Community members,
I am hereby seeking your help to collect information on Single parent family in the community. This is to assist me with a research that is required for my Social Studies School-Based Assessment (SBA)
You are advised to answer the following questions truthfully. Your feedback will be kept confidential however you’re not required to state any personal information. Thanks much for your corporation!!
Yours truly,
P .Csec
Instruction: There are 12 questions in the questionnaire. Read each question carefully and tick in the appropriate bracket to select your answer. Please answer questions truthfully.
- What is your gender?
Male ( ) Female ( )
- How long have you been a resident?
Less than one year ( )
2 year ( )
3-4 year ( )
5 year ( )
Over ten year ( )
- How old are you
18 yrs old ( )
20-26 yrs old ( )
30 yrs old ( )
31-40yrs old ( )
4. Do you have a job ?
Yes ( )
No ( )
5. What is your occupation?
Employed ( )
Self employed ( )
6. Do you have a child/children
Yes ( )
No ( )
7. Does your child/children attend school regularly
5 days per week ( )
4 days per week ( )
2 days per week ( )
3 days per week ( )
1 day per week ( )
8. How many children do you have?
1-2 ( )
3-4 ( )
5-6 ( )
other please specify___
9. How long have you been a single parent?
1 – 2 yrs ( )
3 – 4 yrs ( )
5 – 6 yrs ( )
Other_________________________________ (please specify)
10.. How do you support your family?
Friends ( )
Family support ( )
working ( )
Government social service ( )
11.. What caused you to become a single parent?
Divorce ( )
Death ( )
Separation ( )
Migration ( )
12.. How frequently do you get support ?
The end of every month ( )
every two week ( )
weekly ( )
A total of 50 questionnaires were distributed among the members of Boungberry which were random selection. Persons were given 3 days to complete the questionnaire that was issued. A total of 50 questionnaires were collected at the end of the 3 days. A response rate of 100% was received with no questions left out.
Fig1 represent the percentage of female who partake in the questionnaire which was 36 (72%) and males 14 (28%)
Figure 2 showing the causes of single parent in the community. It can be seen that 40% have become single parent due to separation, 30% have become a single parent because of migration, whereas 15% were caused by divorce and also 15% caused by death of other parent.
Figure 3 shows that 10% of the residents been living in the community for 1 – 2 years, 20% have been living there for 3 – 4 years, meanwhile 30% of the resident have been living there 5 – 6 years whereas 40% have been living there for over ten years.
Figure 4 shows that 10% of the residents support their family by getting help from friends , 20% take care of them family from social services program meanwhile 30% of the respondents work 40% receive support from their family…
Figure 5 showing the percentage of persons who has a child/children.
In doing my survey of the Boungberry community. Out of 50 persons, there were 36 females while the other 14 were male…. Some single parents have difficulties working to balance their children’s lives and personal lives. separation seems to link with serious effects for children and adults. Several children of separated families almost live in poverty and experience a reduction in family income caused by the poor performance of fathers providing financial support for their children. Their ex-partner supports some single mothers financially. However, single mothers are left on their own to see the emotional and psychological side of the child’s development.
The Reasons for persons becoming a single parent include divorce, break-up, abandonment, death of the other parent.
Less opportunity for parents and children to spend time together. The Effects of the breakup affect the child’s school performance and peer connections. Problems are caused for parents‘ dating and entering new relationships.
single parents have increased 5% caused by the abandonments from fathers
The child development agency can put measures into place towards the parents not supporting their child’s needs by placing the parent in court or imprisonment if him/her refuses to support the child.
Social workers should visit the community frequently, to ensure that children are attending school on a regular basis, their nutrition needs are met, and also being well-taken care of. Persons who can’t meet their financial needs should be added to the PATH program, which can assist a parent with the financial and academics needs of the child.
The Government should assign a guest speaker from the National Family Planning board to the community to educate the younger residents on how to plan for a child, always try to use contraceptives along with further discussion and solutions.
The government should also establish community centers or provide more jobs opportunity so persons can able to provide for themselves and families.
Modules in Social Studies: With SBA Guide & CXC Questions by Rampersad Ramsawak, Ralph Umraw