Social Studies SBA

by Powell

Below is an example of CXC Social Studies SBA on child abuse;




Candidate Name:  Helpful Test

School:  Boungberry High



Territory: Jamaica

Topic: What are the factors contributing to Child Abuse in my community of Boungberry?


Title                                                                                                                                         Pages

Acknowledgement …………………………………………………………………………..1

Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………….2

Statement of problem………………………………………………………………………….3

Reasoning for choosing topic …………………………………………………………………4

Method of investigation ……………………………………………………………………….5

Data collection material………………………………………………………………………. 6-7

Procedure of data collection…………………………………………………………………….8

Presentation of data…………………………………………………………………………9-13

Analysis and presentation of data………………………………………………………………14

Statement of findings………………………………………………………………………….15

Recommendations & Conclusion………………………………………………………………..16



Firstly, I would like to thank God for carrying me throughout this School-Based Assessment (SBA). Secondly, the residents of boungberry for participating in completing questionnaires to gather the necessary data to complete this SBA on time.


 Child abuse or child maltreatment is physical, sexual, and/or psychological maltreatment or neglect of a child or children 50 questionnaires were randomly issued to the residents of Boungberry, the details of the questionnaire on child abuse. The research ask a question such as: do you know of anyone being abuse? What are the main types of abuse? The researcher carried out this investigation because it has become the norm for persons to abuse a child.  The researcher sees it necessary to gather information so that the matter could be resolve or decrease.


What are the factors contributing to Child Abuse in my community of Boungberry?


  1. What are the 4 main types of abuse?
  2.  What is the maximum sentence for a person that is aware of a child being abused?
  3. Is there an increase in reporting of child abuse?


I chose this topic because it has come to my attention it is a norm for children and teenagers to be abused. I found this topic very interesting mainly because the children in my surroundings are being abused by parents, relatives and to some extent even strangers. Because of this growing epidemic, it has seen where children merge themselves in violence, crime, drugs, and sexual activities. The researcher then decides to perform a survey in collecting information to find what is the factor which leads to this action and how best to solve the matter.


 The researcher used a questionnaire to obtain the necessary data.  A questionnaire is a research instrument containing a list of questions to be answered by people to collect information. A questionnaire has a number of advantages:

  • Takes little time to be completed
  • Guarantee total confidentiality of the participant
  • A large sample of the given population can be contacted at a low cost.
  • They are relatively easy to analyze

A total of (50) questionnaires consisted of 15 questions were issued to the participant. The answers for each question only required a tick or a short answer. The person’s confidentiality of partaking in the questionnaire was kept private. Thus, the participant was not required to state their name or any personal information.


 This is a survey being carried out in the community Boungberry to gather information on child abuse.  This study is being conducted as a School-Based Assessment (SBA)

Dear Community members,

                      I am hereby seeking your help to collect information on child abuse in the community. This is to assist me with research that is required for my Social Studies School-Based Assessment (SBA)

You are advised to answer the following questions truthfully. Your feedback will be kept confidential however you’re not required to state any personal information.  Thanks much for your corporation!!

Yours truly,


H. Test


Instruction: There are 15 questions in the questionnaire. Read each question carefully and tick in the appropriate bracket to select your answer.  Please answer questions truthfully.

What is your gender?

              Male (  )                                Female (  )

  • How long have you been a resident?

           Less than one year   (  )

             2 year      (  )

             3-4 year   (  )

             5 year      (  )

             Over ten year (  )

  • How old are you

12-16                (  )

18 yrs old          (  )

20-26 yrs old     (  )

30 yrs old          (  )

  • Are you a victim of child abuse?

Yes (  )                     No (  )

  • What kind of abuse was used?

Verbal (  )           Sexual (   )

Emotional (   )       Physical (   )

  •  Who was the abuser?

Parent (  )                  Teacher (  )

Family member (  )   Stranger (  )

  • Did you tell anyone about it?

Yes (   )     No (  )

  • How frequently does this abuse happen?

Once (  )          every week (  ) Not often (  )

I don’t remember (  )        

  • Do you have any family member or friend who has been abuse?

Yes (  )                      No (  )

  1. Does the matter resolve?

Yes (  )           No (  )

Please state how if you answer yes ____________________________________________________________

  1. Have you ever heard children talking about their family or relatives mistreating them in the community?

Always (  ) Sometimes (  )                Never (   )

How do you cope with abuse?  Select an answer below if you have been abused.

Smoke (  )                      Counseling (  )                           Alcohol (  )

When children are abused do you think they will become abusers/bully at adults?

Agree (   )  Disagree (   )        Not sure (  )

If parents hit a child and cause bruises would you see that as physical abuse?

Agree (   )     Disagree (  )                Not sure (  )

 In your own words, what are the best ways to help a child who has been abuse?


A total of 50 questionnaires were distributed among the members of Boungberry which were random selection. Persons were given 3 days to complete the questionnaire that was issued. A total of 50 questionnaires were collected at the end of the 3 days. A response rate of 100% was received with no questions left out.


Fig1 represent the percentage of the female who partakes in the questionnaire which was 36 (72%) and males 14 (28%)

Figure 2 showing how persons cope who have been abused. It can be seen that most persons dealt with the abuse by consuming alcohol, 5 persons smoke, 4 persons bully others while the remaining 3 seek counseling.

Figure 3 represents the type of abuse individual undergo

Figure 4 shows the number of persons who would report a child is being abused.

Figure 5 showing the percentage of person who has been a victim of child abuse.


In doing my survey of the Boungberry community. Out of 50 persons, there were 36 females while the other 14 was male. From the information that was collected 75% of respondents would report or intervene if they have seen a child being abused. 20 persons were abused in the past but did not report it because of discrimination or fear of their abuser.

The highest age group of persons who were involved in the questionnaires out of 100% of respondents were between the age of 12- 16 yrs which accounted for 80% (40) persons 10% were persons between the age of 19-25 yrs and the remaining 10% were between the age of 30 yrs and older 40% of respondents have faced a form of abuse. 30% experienced physical abuse, 5% has been neglect while the other 5% abuse sexually. 

 Fig2. Shows how persons who have been abused cope, out of 20 persons been abused. 5 persons stated that they seek counseling 8 persons said they cope by consuming alcohol, 3 stated that they smoke and the other 4 said they’ve bullied other persons.


  • Many people are not aware of the penalties for knowing a child is being abused and doesn’t report the matter. The maximum sentence of a person who is aware of a child is being abused and refused to make a report is 6 months imprisonment are a fine of $500,000 
  • Physical abuse was the main type of abuse a person’s face and neglect was the least abused among the respondents 
  • Many persons don’t know the different types of abuse. The (4) four main types of abuse are neglect, physical, sexual and emotional abuse.
  • Physical abuse – is any intentional act causing injury or trauma to another person. 
  • Neglect – a disregard of duty resulting from carelessness, indifference or willfulness especially; a failure to provide a child under one’s care with proper food clothing supervision medical care or emotional stability.
  • Sexual abuse – is referred to as any form of forced or unwanted sexual activity (molestation)
  • Emotional abuse- is any kind of abuse that is emotional rather than physical in nature. It can include anything from verbal abuse and constant criticism to more subtle tactics such as intimidation, manipulation, and refusal to ever be, please.
  • Over the last 3 years, there has been a significant increase in persons reporting child abuse. There has been a 33% increase in child abuse of this figure 25%are females and the remaining 8% are males.


  •  The researcher recommends that schools implement measures to help persons talk about their abuse experience.
  • An ongoing meeting should be held at a community center across the island to educate the general public on how to cope with problems or any sort of issue that would result in them abusing a child.
  • The researcher strongly recommends that the government should inform the public about the penalties and follow through ensuring that persons face consequences if they cause harm towards a child or know that a child is being abused and failed to report the matter. This can be achieved by broadcasting the information through the  following  media  :
  • Radio 
  • Billboards
  • Television
  • Newspaper

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