English Language SBA

by Powell

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NOTE: This SBA is a sample/Guide and should NOT be copied and submitted as your own work

Below is an example of a CXC English Language SBA on poverty.

English Language
Name:  Helpful Test | Candidate no: 1234 | Centre no: 1234 | Territory: Jamaica

Table of Content

 Plan of Investigation ……………………………………………………………3

Indicators of Group Activity ………………………………………………….4-6

Reflection ………………………………………………………………………………7-9

Written Report……………………………………………………………………….. 10

Oral Presentation ……………………………………………………………………. 11

Referencing ……………………………………………………………………………….12

Plan of Investigation

Theme: Poverty

Topic: How does poverty affects family’s lifestyles in my country?

How does poverty affect family’s lifestyles in my country?”I became interested in this topic after observing families in my community and on the electronic media suffering from poverty. To complete this SBA, I will select three pieces of materials, share the information with my group members, complete three reflections, plan an oral presentation, meet with my tutor for the Individual Participation Measure, the Quality of Group Activity and complete a group Written Report.

To obtain information on this topic I will use local newspapers and online sources. As a student of the English Language, this SBA will enhance my oral communication skills and writing skills.

Reflection 1

The first print media that was used was downloaded from an online newspaper article that was published on April 8, 2018, by Corey Robinson. The article displayed how most children are unable to get a good education due to the lack of funds. Because of how children are greatly affected by poverty a few girls have resorted to turning to older men for money to attend school.

 The second piece was a visual media I downloaded from a website that was published on January 16, 2018, by Television Jamaica. The video highlighted that as of 2016 the poverty rate in Jamaica went up to 21.1 %. Several families are living poorer in recent times and are below the poverty line. Also, it enabled me to see the struggles that a family faced on a day to day basis. This story has made me realize that the basic amenities that I have been afforded with should not ben for granted.  I also believe that as Jamaicans we should be more sympathetic and empathic to our neighbors’ who are in need.

Finally, the audio was a social commentary on how poverty leads to crime and violence and other social issues. The singer sought to report on issues that happen because of poverty whilst encouraging persons who are on the higher social ladder to offer a helping hand to people who are living in poverty. This song also helped me to understand the number of persons affected by poverty.

Reflection 2

In the selected materials the writers used emotive and informative language to bring their message across about the topic, “Poverty”. They drew you into the story through a variety of techniques, which gave me more knowledge and a better insight into the effects of poverty in Jamaica.

 The language used in visual media appeals to your emotions. You were able to see and hear how this individual and her family are affected by poverty; you see their everyday struggles and things they had to do to stay alive. There was also an informative use of language as it involved giving information – the leading causes of poverty. These could be seen throughout thus aiding the viewer in the understanding of the topic. 

The audio and print used emotive and informative language; you are given information on how distressing it is for other families.

Statistical data is also presented which highlights the number of persons in the country that are affected by poverty. The general assumption is that the content is credible and valuable. 

Reflection 3

The process of doing this SBA has helped me to be more appreciative of my family and what I have. Not many persons are given the opportunity to a life where they are well taken care of. To see how other families in the country are greatly affected by these issues makes me realize that I have much to give God thanks for. It has also motivated me to work harder in achieving my dreams and goals and not to take anything in life for granted, to make use of the opportunities that I have and also not to complain about not having certain things because there are many people who have nothing at all.

This project has inspired me to try and help those people who are in need when I’m able to do so. The little things that you do can have a great impact also in doing this I could also be contributing to the decrease in poverty levels in the country.

Written Report

The process of the SBA started with our teacher explaining to us the different sections of the English (SBA). We then pick our group members and decided on what topic and sub-topic were going to be researching and presenting on. Once all this was done we had to do our research to find evidence to answer our sub-topics. The investigation was made with the use of the internet. The materials found were very informative it enabled us to work better on our vocabulary, comprehension, and writing skills. Examining the data was quite easy the concept was fully grasped after, listening, watching and reading the materials. Results of the research were effective as writing comprehension, grammar and reading skills were enhanced with the assistance of our teacher and group members. Our understanding of the topic “Poverty “is that it’s not something you can completely get rid off but you can decrease the rate level by coming together and helping others. We formed a group over the phone and also meet in person to discuss the information we each have come up with.  Our goal was met and we were able to complete the SBA with the time given. We selected information that has a connection to our topic and sub-topic.

Overview of Oral Presentation

The genre used for my oral presentation was a poem on poverty by Fred Taban which was published on a website on Tuesday, January 5, 2010, by Paul Conneally The language that was informative and rythematic the writer was expressing his feelings on what poverty was like.

                  Referencing List

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