Profit and Loss

by Powell

sample questions


1. John sold two smartphone for $3,000 each. On one he gains 20% and on the other he loses 20%. What percent does he gain on the whole transaction?


For the first smartphone

Gain = 20%.

Let cost price (C.P.) = $100.

Therefore, selling price (S.P.) = $(100 + 20)

                                           = $120.

When selling price (S.P.) is $ 120, cost price (C.P.) is $100.

Therefore, when selling price (S.P.) is $300, cost price (C.P.)

= $100/120 × 300

= $(100 × 300)/120

= $30000/120

= $2,500.

Thus, cost price (C.P.) of the first smartphone= $2,500.

For the second smartphone

Loss = 20%

Let cost price (C.P.) = $100.

Hence, selling price (S.P.) = $(100 – 20) = $80

When selling price (S.P.) is $80, the cost price (C.P.) is $100

Therefore, when selling price (S.P.) is $300, the cost price (C.P.)

= $100/80 × 300

= $30000/80

= $3,750.

Therefore, cost price (C.P.) of the second smartphone = $3,750.

Thus, the total cost price (C.P.) of two smartphone= $2,500 + $3,750 = $6,250

Thomas bought a laptop for $8,000 and spent $500 on its spares. He later sold it for $9,500.

Find his gain or loss percent.

Workout Solution:

The C.P. = $8,000 + $500 = $8,500

and S.P. = $9,500

Since, S.P. > C.P., there is a profit

Profit = S.P. – C.P.

        = $9,500 – $8500

        = $1,000

Profit percent = profit/(C.P.) × 100

                    = 1000/8500 × 100

                    = 200/17

                    = 11 13/17

Thomas gain 11 13/%.

We know, selling price is the price at which an article is sold and the seller makes a profit when the selling price is more than the cost price.

Solved examples:

1. A vendor sold 600 quintals of wheat at a gain of 7%. If one quintal of wheat cost him $ 250 and his total overhead charges for transportation, etc., were $ 1,000, find his total profit and the selling price of 600 quintals of wheat.


Cost of one quintal of wheat = $250

Therefore, cost of 600 quintals of wheat = $250 × $600 = $150,000.

Overhead charges = $ 1,000.

Hence, cost price (C.P.) = $150,000 + $1,000 = $151,000.

gain = 7%

Net profit = 7% of $151000

              = $7/100 × 151,000

              = $1057000/100

              = $10,570

Selling price (S.P.) = cost price (C.P.) + gain

                         = $(151,000 + 10,570)

                         = $161,570.

Therefore, total gain is $10,570 and the selling price is $ 161,570.

2. Mike bought a Phone for $5000 and sold it at a profit of 105. Find the profit and the selling price of the laptop.


Given, C.P. of a phone= $5000 and profit% of it = 10%

Therefore, profit = profit% of C.P.; (we know, profit is always calculated on C.P.)

                       = 10% × $5000

                       = (10/100) × $5000

                       = $500

And, S.P. = C.P. + profit

             = $5000 + $500

= $5500

Hence, profit is $500 and the selling price is $5500.

Formula to find profit% = profit/C.P. × 100%.

1. By selling goods for $9000; a profit of $1000 is made. Find the profit percent.


Given, selling price of goods = $9000 and profit made = $1000

Therefore, C.P. = S.P. – profit

                      = $9000 – $1000

                      = $8000

And, profit% = (profit/cost price) × 100%

                   = (1000/8000) × 100%

                   = (1/8) × 100%

                   = 12.5%                

Therefore, profit percent by selling goods is 12.5%.

By selling a machine at $240 a man gains 25%. How much would he gain in percent by selling the machine at $216?


Let cost price (C.P.) = $ 100

Gain = 25%

Selling price = $100 + $25 = $125

If selling price is $125, then cost price is $100.

If selling price is $1, then cost price is $(100/125)

If selling price is $240, then cost price is $100/125 × 240 = $192

Now, if the S.P. is $ 216, then gain = $216 – $192 = $24

Gain% = gain/cost Price (C.P.) × 100

         = 24/192 × 100

         = 25/2

         = 12      1/2

Therefore, gain percent by selling a machine is 12  1/2%.

3. If the selling price of 20 textbooks is the same as the cost price of 21 textbooks. Find the profit percent.


Let cost price of each textbook be $1

Cost price of 20 books = $1 × 20 = $20.

Selling price of 20 textbooks = cost price of 21 textbooks = $21.

Profit = selling price – cost price

        = $21 – $20

        = $1

Profits% = profit/cost price × 100

            = 1/20 × 100

            = 100/20

            = 5

Therefore, profit percent is 5%.

Sasha bought an article for $1750 and sold it for $1680. Find her gain or loss percent.


Cost price of the article = $1750

Selling price of the article = $1680

Since, C.P. > S.P. there is a loss

Loss = cost price – selling price

       = $1750 – $1680

       = $70

Loss% = (loss/cost price) × 100%

          = (70/1750) × 100%

          = 4%

Therefore, the loss percent is 4%.

 Find the profit or loss as percent; when a car is bought for $25000 is sold for $28000.


Given, cost price of car = $25000 and selling price of it = $28000

Therefore, profit = $28000 – $25000 = $3000

Profit percent = (profit/cost price) × 100%

                   = (3000/25000) × 100%

                   = 12%

Therefore, the profit percent is 12%.

4. Lauren purchases an article for $400 and sold it for $380. Calculate her gain or loss percent.


Given, cost price of an article = $400 and selling price of it = $380

Therefore, loss = $400 – $380 = $20

Loss percent = (loss/cost price) × 100%

                  = (20/400) × 100%

                  = 5%

Therefore, the loss percent is 5%

Aaron bought an article for $120 is sold for $150. Find the gain or loss percent.


Given, cost price = $120 and selling price = $150

Therefore, gain = $150 – $120 = $30

gain% = (gain/cost price) × 100%

         = (30/120) × 100%

         = 25%

Therefore, the gain percent is 25%

6. James bought a bike for $600 and is sold for $550. Find profit or loss percent.


Given, cost price = $600 and selling price = $550

Therefore, loss = C.P. – S.P.

                     = $600 – $550

                     = $50

loss percent = (loss/cost price) × 100%

                 = (50/600) × 100%

                 = 25/3%

                 = 8 1/3%

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