Techniques to Improve Your Study Habits And Retain The Information

by Powell

Organize notes. …

Find a good studying spot. Preferably somewhere that is quiet to avoid distraction. This is important. 

  Stay Away From Your Phone. Distractions also include avoiding your phone. Turn off your phone during study time or keep it on silent avoid checking your message every second or scrolling through Instagram.. Unless you are using your phone to study if not keep it away during study sessions.

Join or create a study group. …

Don’t attempt to review all your studying into one session. …

Start with the most difficult subject first. Once you‘ve completed the most challenging task, it will be much easier to complete the rest of your work.  Starting with a difficult subject will improve the effectiveness of your study sessions and your academic performance.

Each study time should have a specific goal. Write down what you want to be able to know after the session and review it a few hours after to check if you have achieved your goal

Never procrastinate your planned study session. 

Determine your learning style: Working out your learning methods will help you to mesmerize the task. It is important that you know how best you learn different learning styles—visual, auditory, reading/writing and kinesthetic

The visual learner likes drawing, doodling, making posters, and using colors to think rather than using words. … Visual learners learn best by using images, pictures, colors, computers and any other visual media to help them learn.

Auditory learners learn best through their sense of hearing. This means they remember and understand new concepts better when they are explained out loud—even if they’re doing the speaking themselves or listening Audio Books 

Reading/writing This type of learner is someone who needs to read and/or write down the information to learn it. They do well by using the traditional study method of reading from a textbook and taking notes, and prefer to learn through words. These learners tend to enjoy reading and taking lots of notes.

Kinesthetic learning or tactile learning is a learning style in which learning takes place by the students carrying out physical activities, rather than listening to a teacher or watching demonstrations

They learn best when they process information while being physically active or engaged. Kinesthetic learners aren’t necessarily entertained in the traditional classroom. They learn best when they are physically active, or through learning activities that involve active participation.

An example of kinesthetic learning is when a child learns to use a swing or to ride a bike. They can read instructions or listen to instructions, but they learn quicker in the process of doing it.

Leave time for the last-minute review.

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