In division, the number called the dividend is divided by the divisor, and the result is called quotient.
The diagrams show the parts of a division: dividend, divisor, quotient, remainder.

Division Without Remainder
Step 1: Start on the left. Check if first digit, 5, is bigger than the divisor 12. Since 5 is not, we need to take the next digit as well.
51 divided by 12 gives 4 as the quotient since 12 × 4 = 48.
Write 4 above 1.
Step 2: Write the number 48 below 51. Subtract 48 from 51 to get a remainder of 3. Bring down the next digit, 6, and write it after 3.
Step 3: Now repeat from Step 1. 36 divided by 12, gives 3. Write 3 above 6. Write the number 36 below 36. Subtract 36 from 36 to get a remainder of 0.
Our answer is 43.
Division With Remainder
Work out Solution:
Step 1: Start on the left. 12. Since 9 is not bigger than 12 , we need to take the next digit as well which will give us 99.
99 divided by 12 gives 8 as 12 × 8 = 96.
Step 2: Write the number 96 below 99. Subtract 96 from 99 to get a remainder of 3. Bring down the next digit, 3, and write it after 3.
Step 3: We then repeat Step 1.
33 divided by 12, gives 2. 12×2=24.
Write the number 24 below 33. Subtract 24 from 33 to get a remainder of 9.
Your answer is then 82 remainder 9.
NOTE: For division, the divisor cannot be 0. For example, 23 ÷ 0 is not possible
Video showing how to divide with two digit