7 Most Effective Steps in Writing a Research Paper

by Powell

Embarking on the journey of writing a research paper can feel like an uphill climb, right?

But, what if we could break it down into manageable steps?

Here are seven critical stages to guide you through the process, making it less daunting, and more achievable to help you write a research paper faster.

1. Understand the Assignment

First off, do you fully grasp your assignment? It’s crucial to know exactly what’s expected from you.

This includes understanding the topic, the length of the paper, the number of sources required, and the submission deadline.

If anything is unclear, don’t hesitate to ask for clarification. You wouldn’t want to embark on the wrong path, would you?

2. Choose a Topic

Now that you’re clear on the assignment, it’s time to select a topic. Is it something that sparks your interest?

Remember, your enthusiasm will reflect in your writing. However, ensure that your topic isn’t too broad or too narrow, but just the right size.

After all, you wouldn’t want to end up with too much or too little to say, right?

3. Conduct Preliminary Research

It’s time to dive into the pool of knowledge with some preliminary research. Use reputable sources such as academic databases, books, scholarly articles, and credible websites.

Consider this phase as laying the foundation for your research paper’s mansion.

4. Develop a Thesis Statement

Think of your thesis statement as the pillar supporting your research paper.

It should clearly articulate your position or primary argument.

Ensure it’s concise, specific, arguable, and reflects the content of your paper. After all, it’s the backbone of your argument, isn’t it?

5. Create an Outline

Having a roadmap makes the journey easier, doesn’t it? An outline serves this purpose for your writing.

It should include your introduction, body paragraphs with supporting points, and a conclusion.

And remember, your thesis statement should find its place in the introduction.

6. Write the Draft

Now comes the main event – writing the draft. Start with the introduction, then move on to the body paragraphs, and finally, the conclusion.

Remember, it’s a draft, so don’t strive for perfection at this stage. The aim is to get your ideas down on paper.

7. Revise and Proofread

Last but definitely not least, revise and proofread your work. Look for clarity, coherence, grammar errors, and citation accuracy.

Does your argument make sense? Have you supported your claims with evidence? Don’t shy away from making changes where necessary.

So, are you ready to tackle that research paper now? Remember, practice makes perfect, and every research paper you write is a step toward becoming a better writer.

It’s very normal for it to not be perfect the first time around, so don’t be too hard on yourself. Take your time and enjoy learning!

How long is a 7-page research paper?

The length of a research paper can vary greatly depending on factors such as font size, line spacing, and margin width.

However, as a general rule of thumb, a standard double-spaced page using a 12-point font like Times New Roman or Arial, with 1-inch margins on all sides, typically contains about 250 words.

So, if we do the math:

  • 7 pages
  • Approximately 250 words per page
  • Equals around 1,750 words

Therefore, a 7-page research paper will roughly consist of 1,750 words. This is a ballpark figure and your actual word count may vary slightly.

Here’s a quick checklist to help you keep track:

  1. Choose a standard, easily readable font (like Times New Roman or Arial)
  2. Set your font size to 12-point
  3. Make sure your paper is double-spaced
  4. Ensure you have 1-inch margins on all sides
  5. Aim for approximately 250 words per page

Keep in mind, that the content of your research paper is just as important, if not more so, than the length.

Make every word count and focus on presenting your findings and arguments in a clear, concise, and engaging way.

What are the 5 parts of a research paper?

A research paper typically consists of five main parts:

  1. Abstract: This is a brief summary of the research paper, generally about 150-250 words long. It provides an overview of the study, including the research problem, hypotheses, methods, and findings.
  2. Introduction: The introduction provides background information on the topic and sets the context for the research. It also clearly outlines the research question or thesis statement that the paper will address.
  3. Methodology: This section describes how the research was conducted. It includes details about the study design, sample, data collection methods, and data analysis techniques.
  4. Results/Findings: Here, the researcher presents the results of the study, usually with the help of tables, graphs, or other forms of data visualization. This section includes only the facts, not interpretations or conclusions.
  5. Discussion/Conclusion: This part interprets and explains the findings, linking them back to the research question or thesis statement. It also discusses the implications of the results, acknowledges any limitations of the study, and suggests areas for future research.

Getting help writing a research paper

There are several online services that can help you write your research paper.

Some of the top-rated services include CollegePaperWorld, DoMyEssay, EssayPro, Academized, PaperHelp, ExpertWriting, EduBirdie, Trust My Paper, and SharkPapers.

These platforms connect you with professional and experienced academic writers who can assist with your research paper needs.

If you’re willing to pay someone to help with your research paper, another platform to consider is Fiverr.

Fiverr is an online marketplace where you can hire freelancers for a variety of services, including academic writing.

On Fiverr, you can find a wide range of writers with different expertise and rates. This allows you to choose a writer that fits your budget and meets your specific requirements.

However, it’s important to carefully review the writer’s profile, previous work, and customer reviews before hiring them to ensure they can deliver quality work.

Is Grammarly good for research papers?

When it comes to using Grammarly for research papers, the consensus seems to be mixed.

On one hand, Grammarly’s real-time feedback can help improve your writing and ensure that it is free from mistakes.

It is a tool that can enhance the clarity of your writing and enable you to use language and grammar more precisely.

On the other hand, some academic research into Grammarly’s efficacy is less enthusiastic.

While it saves time in correcting basic spelling and grammar errors, it should not replace a thorough proofreading by a human.

Despite these different perspectives, many agree that Grammarly is one of the most accurate and precise tools for picking up spelling and grammar mistakes.

It is not only used for academic writing but also by professional writers for business communication.